Directory Lister Professional Free Download

Directory Lister Professional Free Download

This article shows you how to download and install the complete edition of Directory Lister Professional v2.46 for free on Pc. Consider the special download web and guidelines below for guidance on installing Directory Lister Professional v2.46 on your computer. How to Download and Install Directory Lister Professional v2.46 System Requirements is listed in the table of contents.

About the programs

Directory Lister enables you to create and again spare, display, or mail via email a list of files from pre-selected folders on hard plates, Cd-roms. Dvd-roms; floppies. Laptop storages and router stocks. Lists can be stored directly into a database or in Html, language, Microsoft Excel, or Csv arrangement. The best program among a large group of registry printers is Directory Lister.

You don’t even need to open the software to produce entries using Directory Lister, which is also integrated into the framework restaurant of Windows Explorer. Command collection software is supported for intelligent advertisements that can be run from Windows Task Scheduler.

When you print a document list, you can include standard submit info like folder name, extension, type, proprietor and attributes as well as executable file tips( Exe, Dll, Ocx ) like document version, description, company. Also media parameters( Mp3, Avi, Wav, Jpg, Gif, Bmp ) like loop, title, artist, album, music, video format, bits per pixel, frames per second, recording format, bits per channel can be listed.

You can also print sections for Microsoft Office and Open Office paperwork( Doc, Xls, Ppt ) so you can view the title, author, and topics of the documents. without opening each of these files separately.

It is also possible to find the Crc32, Md5, Sha-1, Ssha-256, Sh-512, and Whirlpool cipher proportion for each file and folder so you can make sure the folder hasn’t been altered.

The following are Directory Lister Professional’s key characteristics:

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