You can download and install the full edition of Ithoughts v6.1 for free on a Pc using the instructions in this article. For instructions on installing Ithoughts v6.1 on your computer, click the immediate download link and meet the links below. Information about the softwareithoughts v6.1 System Requirements How to Download and Install Ithoughts.1required Files is provided in the table of contents.
regarding the software
There are quite a some’ lesser known’ features within ithoughts that are really very powerful and have been developed, over the years, specifically to address the requirements of’ energy users’. Many are successfully” hidden” in an effort to create a user interface that is less cluttered. You can get a quick explanation of some of my favorites in the rest of this article.
You can secure your drawings with a login. This means that you can store your maps” in the cloud”( or on a stick) and be sure that the Cloud provider( Or he can hacker ) cannot read your map, even if they have the actual file in their possession. ithoughts takes this to another level by encrypting the file itself( using Aes – 256 ).
It integrates with Faceid and Touchid so you don’t have to enter the countersign each day, which is really interesting.
The primary characteristics of thoughts are: