This article shows you how to download and install the full version of Size4kwrite( v2.08 ) for free on Pc. For instructions on installing Size4kwrite( v2.08 ) on your computer, click the direct download link and the instructions below. Table of contentsabout the softwaresize4kwrite( v2.08 ) System Requirementshow to Download and Install Size4kwrite( v2.08 ) Required files
regarding the programming
Size4kwrite is a very modest, freeware, portable app to benchmark your hard drive.
Size4kwrite writes to the drive, without buffer, many files with 4 Kib ( File Size ) random data with 16 threads and 32 queues, then calculate the Mb / s based on the milliseconds used to finish all the operations.
You may shut down all running programs and refrain from using your computer during the measuring procedure, just like with any yardstick application.
You can view some system details, including the chipset, motherboard, camera card, Ram, and operating system.
Tap on Begin to start the test. Ten tests are completed in a minute or so. Employ the elapsed Ms near the top as your benchmark score by looking at it. You can then appear at evaluations to similar drives and save a screenshot. Finding out why some pulls are so much faster than mine when I have a pretty high-end notebook is one issue. There are also no suggestions on how you does see obstacles with your Ssd desire.
Having said that, Size4kwrite performs the promised quick benchmark test for your hard drive.